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Clearwater Data Explained

Your data.  Our platform. 
Your ideas.  Our labor. 
Why Clearwater

Our Observations

Modern software applications allow businesses to collect huge amounts of information. 
In theory, this information could be fundamentally transformative.  
In practice, however, it is extremely challenging to access and use large volumes of data in a meaningful way. 
Our Observation

Our Mission

We believe entrepreneurs, family run enterprises, and small businesses are a force for good: you create great jobs, support local communities, and serve as a major engine of economic growth. 
You also face great challenges. 
We exist to help you meet those challenges.  We guide you through Our Approach and build your customized tools in our platform helping you to build a more agile, nuanced, and data-driven business.  
Our Mission

The Platform

Our tools are built on a visual, dynamic, high performance Business Intelligence platform
The Platform

Why Customized

Your processes are unique. Your struggles are specific. Your goals are your own.
You need reports that reflect this. 
Why Customized

Why Clearwater

Clearwater brings technical talent firmly grounded in business experience.  We bring your Business Intelligence platform and walk you through Our Approach. 
In practice, we serve five distinct roles:
  1. Project Management
  2. Engineering
  3. BI Software Vendor
  4. Implementation
  5. Ongoing Maintenance
Why Clearwater
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